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그림언어와 관련된 설교학 도서목록

작성자 사진: 운영자운영자

Adams, Jay E. Sense Appeal in the Sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Studies in Preaching (Vol. One). Philadelphia: Presby and Reformed Publishing Company, 1976.

Buttrick, David G. "The Language of Jesus." Theology Today 64, no. 4 (01/01, 2008): 423-444.

———. Homiletic: Moves and Structures. Philadelphia: Fortress Pr, 1987.

Davis, Ellen F. Imagination Shaped: Old Testament Preaching in the Anglican Tradition. Valley Forge, Pa: TPI, 1995.

Denison, Charles S. The Artist's Way of Preaching. Louisville, Ky: Westminster John Knox, 2006.

Edmondson, Stephen. "Coleridge and Preaching a Theological Imagination." Journal of Anglican Studies 3, no. 1 (06/01, 2005): 75-94.

Eslinger, Richard L. Narrative and Imagination: Preaching the Worlds that Shape Us. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1995.

———. "Narrative and Imagery." In , 65-87. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994.

———. A New Hearing: Living Options in Homiletic Method. Nashville: Abingdon Pr, 1987.

Everett, Stewart James. "Visions of a Preacher Man: Will D. Campbell's use of Images in His Life, Thought, and Work." Perspectives in Religious Studies 39, no. 2 (06/01, 2012): 135-147.

Fitzgerald, George R. A Practical Guide to Preaching. Paulist Pr, 1980.

Flamming, Peter J. "Preaching to the "Image" Generation." Faith and Mission 3, no. 1 (09/01, 1985): 57-65.

Howden, William D. "'Open-Mouthed in the Temple of Life': Imagery and Imagination in Two Published Sermons, the Academy of Homiletics, 31th Meeting 1965-1996: Papers of the Annual Meeting." Santa Fe, New Mexico, Brite Divinity School, Host, Dec 5-7, 1996, 1996.

Jensen, Richard A. "Thinking in Picture." Dialog 43, no. 4 (12/01, 2004): 297-303.

Moore, Susan Hardman. "For the Mind's Eye Only: Puritans, Images and 'the Golden Mines of Scripture'." Scottish Journal of Theology 59, no. 3 (01/01, 2006): 281-296.

Ortberg,John C.,,Jr. "Birthing a Sermon: A Step-by-Step Guide to Bringing the Text Alive." Leadership 28, no. 3 (06/01, 2007): 38-42.

Reierson, Gary B. The Art in Preaching: The Intersection of Theology, Worship, and Preaching with the Arts. Lanham, Md: Univ Pr of America, 1988.

Wilson, Paul Scott. Preaching and Homiletical Theory. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2004.

———. The Four Pages of the Sermon: A Guide to Biblical Preaching. Nashville: Abingdon Pr, 1999.

———. Imagination of the Heart: New Understandings in Preaching. Nashville: Abingdon Pr, 1988.

Wilson-Kastner, Patricia. Imagery for Preaching. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1989.

김진규, 『히브리 시인에게 설교를 배우다: 청중의 가슴을 뛰게 하는 생생한 설교 언어』 (서울: 생명의 말씀사, 2015).

남호. "설교에 있어서 상상력의 역할." 신학과 실천 16, no. - (2008): 283-307.

박영재. <설교자가 꼭 명심할 9가지 설득의 법칙>. 서울: 규장, 1997.

전요섭 and 김양중. "이미지언어를 통한 설교전달." 복음과 실천신학 12, no. 3 (2006): 129-154.

워렌 위어스비, <상상이 담긴 설교: 마음의 화랑에 말씀을 그려라!> (이장우 옮김; 서울: 요단출판사, 1997).

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