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이야기식 설교를 위한 도서목록 (스토리텔링 기법)

Allen, O. W. "The Pillars of the New Homiletic." In , 1-18. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010.

Anderson, Herbert. "The Pastor as Wordsmith." Word & World 32, no. 4 (09/01, 2012): 356-363.

Arbogast, Marianne. "The Storyteller's Vocation: Enabling an Intimacy of Relationship with God." Witness 83, no. 12 (12/01, 2000): 28-29.

Arthurs, Jeffrey. "Performing the Story : How to Preach First Person Narrative Sermons." Preaching 12, no. 5 (03/01, 1997): 30-35.

Bence, Barry. "Bring on the Story Tellers : A Modest Proposal to Fellow Preachers." Consensus 7, no. 4 (10/01, 1981): 26-29.

Berndt, Brooks. "The Politics of Narrative." Homiletic 29, no. 2 (12/01, 2004): 1-11.

Bloede, Louis W. "Preaching and Story." Iliff Review 37, no. 3 (09/01, 1980): 53-61.

Brosend, William. "Enough about Me: There is no 'I' in Preach." Christian Century 127, no. 4 (02/23, 2010): 35-38.

Buttrick, David G. "Who is Listening." In , 189-206. Nashville: Abingdon Pr, 1993.

Campbell, Charles L. "A Not-so-Distant Mirror : Nineteenth Century Popular Fiction and Pulpit Storytelling." Theology Today 51, no. 4 (01/01, 1995): 574-582.

Corcoran, Henry A. "Viewing Biblical Narratives through a Literary Lens: Practicing Narrative Analysis on Matthew 16: 16-20."Christian Education Journal 7, no. 2 (09/01, 2010): 299-318.

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Crawford, Ron. "A Word about...Stories and Embodied Truth." Review & Expositor 109, no. 2 (03/01, 2012): 169-170.

Daniel, Lillian. "Preach what You Know: The Good, the Bad, and the Tacky." Journal for Preachers 28, no. 4 (01/01, 2005): 51-53.

Davis, Paul. "Storifying by the Listener as a Clue to Preaching." In , 46-51. Chicago: Exploration Pr, 1977.

De Beer, Sanrie and Julian C. Müller. "Using Stories to Assist Storytelling in a Pastoral Setting: Four Female Pastors in Dialogue with Mary Magdalene." Hts 65, no. 1 (01/01, 2009).

Dewey, Dennis Hart. "Off the Page, into the Heart, and Out of the Mouth: Tools for Telling the Stories of Scripture by Heart." Currents in Theology and Mission 38, no. 6 (12/01, 2011): 448-458.

Duke, Robert W. "Storytelling: A Review Article." Homiletic (10/01, 1975): 9-10.

Durboraw, Anne. "Deeply Rooted in the Old, Old Story." Congregations 34, no. 1 (12/01, 2008): 28-29.

Edgerton, W. D. "The Binding of Isaac." Theology Today 44, no. 2 (07/01, 1987): 207-221.

Eslinger, Richard L. "Narrative and Imagery." In , 65-87. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994.

Fields, Leslie Leyland. "The Gospel is More than a Story: Story is all the Rage: Everyone Pants to Tell their Personal Narrative Or to Give the Bible a Simpler and More Relevant Plot: Maybe all this Isn't such a Good Idea." Christianity Today 56, no. 7 (07/01, 2012): 38-43.

Fleer, David. "Garrison Keillor's Chiasmus: A Study for Homiletic Form." In , 179-195. Eugene, Or: Pickwick Pubns, 2009.

Flemming, Matthew. "Seeing the World through Scripture-Colored Glasses: The Significance of Calvin's Scriptural Interpretation for Modern Preaching." Call to Worship 43, no. 1 (01/01, 2009): 1-8.

Flucke, Paul. "Can I Say it with a Story : The Story's Action and Characters "Resonate" Something in the Listener's Own Experience."Christian Ministry 14, no. 2 (03/01, 1983): 26-28.

Ford, Leighton. "The Evangelist as Storyteller." Journal for Preachers 29, no. 4 (01/01, 2006): 26-36.

Fretheim, Terence E. "What Biblical Scholars Wish Pastors would Start Or Stop Doing about Ethical Issues in the Old Testament."Word & World 31, no. 3 (06/01, 2011): 297-306.

Gaiser, Frederick J. "Great Stories of the Bible." Word & World 17, no. 3 (06/01, 1997): 243-307.

Graves, Mike. "Using the Split-Sermon Model." Preaching 10, no. 3 (11/01, 1994): 22-23.

Green, Joel B., Michael Pasquarello, and 이우제. 내러티브 읽기 내러티브 설교. 고양: 크리스챤출판사, 2006.

Greidanus, Sidney. "Detecting Plot Lines: The Key to Preaching the Genesis Narratives." Calvin Theological Journal 43, no. 1 (04/01, 2008): 64-77.

Haas, Peter J. "Telling the Tale : Teaching Lessons through Stories." Military Chaplains' Review 16, (03/01, 1987): 67-75.

Habets, Myk. ""the Dogma is the Drama": Dramatic Developments in Biblical Theology." Stimulus 16, no. 4 (11/01, 2008): 2-5.

Hearne, Brian. "God's Story in our Story." Afer 26, no. 1-2 (02/01, 1984): 32-46.

Hector, Kevin W. "Postliberal Hermeneutics: Narrative, Community, and the Meaning of Scripture." Expository Times 122, no. 3 (12/01, 2010): 105-116.

Holbert, John C. "Towards a Story Homiletic: History and Prospects." Journal for Preachers 33, no. 3 (01/01, 2010): 16-29.

Humphreys, Fisher. "Articles on Storytelling and Christian Faith." Theological Educator no. 33 (03/01, 1986): 22-83.

Janssen, Allan J. "Minister as Story-Teller." Perspectives 22, no. 10 (12/01, 2007): 7-10.

King, Rosemary. "Preaching through Narrative." Expository Times 117, no. 3 (12/01, 2005): 100-104.

Kolb, Robert. "Luther's Preaching of the People of Christ's Passion." Lutheran Forum 46, no. 4 (12/01, 2012): 38-41.

Köstenberger, Andreas J. "Aesthetic Theology--Blessing Or Curse? an Assessment of Narrative Theology." Faith and Mission 15, no. 2 (03/01, 1998): 27-44.

Larsen, David L. "Constructing the Narrative Sermon." Preaching 11, no. 3 (11/01, 1995): 17-22.

Larson, Craig Brian. "Spinning Yarns." Leadership 8, no. 3 (06/01, 1987): 20-24.

Lawrence, Louise Joy. "Being 'Hefted': Reflections on Place, Stories and Contextual Bible Study." Expository Times 118, no. 11 (08/01, 2007): 530-535.

Leventhal, Robert. "Wrestling with the Next Chapter." Congregations 34, no. 1 (12/01, 2008): 30-31.

Lief, Jason. "Story before Doctrine for Postmoderns." Perspectives 24, no. 4 (04/01, 2009): 15-16.

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Long, Thomas G. "What Happened to Narrative Preaching?" Journal for Preachers 28, no. 4 (01/01, 2005): 9-14.

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Lowry, Eugene L. "Narrative Renewed." In , 81-96. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010.

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Macdonald, Fergus. "Cool Kerygma: Making Preaching Relevant in the Twenty-First Century." Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 21, no. 2 (09/01, 2003): 131-151.

Malcolm, Lois and Janet L. Ramsey. "On Forgiveness and Healing: Narrative Therapy and the Gospel Story." Word & World 30, no. 1 (12/01, 2010): 23-32.

Massey, Karen G. "The Narrative Model for Teaching the Bible." Review & Expositor 107, no. 2 (03/01, 2010): 197-206.

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Mathewson, Steven D. The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002.

McClure, John S. "Narrative and Preaching : Sorting it all Out." Journal for Preachers 15, no. 1 (01/01, 1991): 24-29.

Minear, Paul Sevier. "The Transmission of Faith through Biblical Forms of Communication." Journal of Religious Thought 4, no. 2 (03/01, 1947): 136-151.

Mitchell, Henry H. "The Genres : Vehicles for Encounter." Preaching 8, no. 4 (01/01, 1993): 42-44.

Mohr, Martin A. and Mary Hull Mohr. "Interpreting the Text and Telling the Story." Dialog 21, no. 2 (03/01, 1982): 102-106.

Mosser, David N. "Narrative Preaching and the Congregation's Story." Christian Ministry 22, no. 1 (01/01, 1991): 8-10.

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Muck, Terry C. "Narrative Preaching." Insights 111, no. 2 (03/01, 1996): 2-39.

O'Callaghan, Jay. "Thoughts on Storytelling." In , 30-36. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Pr, 1985.

Poe, Harry L. "Bunyan's Departure from Preaching." Evangelical Quarterly 58, no. 2 (04/01, 1986): 145-155.

Priestley, Jack. "Concepts with Blurred Edges : Story and the Religious Imagination." Religious Education 78, no. 3 (06/01, 1983): 377-389.

Ramsey, Janet L. ""Once in Royal David's City": David's Story in Preaching and Pastoral Care." Word & World 27, no. 4 (09/01, 2007): 444-450.

Reynolds, David S. "From Doctrine to Narrative : The Rise of Pulpit Storytelling in America." American Quarterly 32, no. 5 (12/01, 1980): 479-498.

Riegert, Eduard R. "Preaching : Where we'Re Going." Consensus 8, no. 2 (04/01, 1982): 11-18.

Robinson, Wayne Bradley. Journeys Toward Narrative Preaching. New York: Pilgrim Pr, 1990.

Rossow, Justin. "Preaching the Story Behind the Image: The Homiletical Fruit of a Narrative Approach to Metaphor." Concordia Journal 34, no. 1-2 (01/01, 2008): 9-21.

Schweitzer, Carol L. Schnabl. "When "Living Stories" Encounter the Living Word." Pastoral Psychology 58, no. 5-6 (12/01, 2009): 629-640.

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Sensing, Timothy R. "Preaching to Colossians." Restoration Quarterly 52, no. 4 (01/01, 2010): 207-222.

Silvius, Dawn F. "Telling the Story." Currents in Theology and Mission 38, no. 6 (12/01, 2011): 436-438.

Swartz, Ted. "How Comedy Changed My View of the Bible." Vision (Winnipeg, Man.) 11, no. 2 (09/01, 2010): 52-57.

Tarr, Del. "Narrative: Tripping the Memory Banks of the Audience." Trinity Journal 33, no. 2 (09/01, 2012): 247-256.

Turner, Laurence A. "Preaching Narrative: Plot." In , 13-29. Downers Grove, Ill: IVP Academic, 2010.

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Walton, Jon M. "Giving the Word Flesh : Incarnational Preaching for the Season of the Incarnation." Journal for Preachers 9, no. 1 (01/01, 1985): 12-16.

Webb, Kirk. "Theology : System Or Narrative? how Story Transforms the Soul." Mars Hill Review no. 7 (12/01, 1997): 19-26.

Weber, Rob. "Evangelistic Hospitality in Preaching: Welcoming Everyone to the Story." In , 159-176. Nashville, Tenn; S.l.]: Abingdon Pr; Alban Books, 2005.

Wilhelm, Dawn Ottoni. "New Hermeneutic, Hew Homiletic, and New Directions: An U.S.-North American Perspective." Homiletic (Online) 35, no. 1 (01/01, 2010).

Willimon, William H. "Telling the Story in 3-D : Evaluating the Klausler Award Winners." Christian Ministry 28, no. 5 (09/01, 1997): 10-11.

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원어성경 BHS, NA28, LXX (인터넷용)

원어성경 BHS (히브리어 구약), NA28 (헬라어 신약), LXX(70인역; 헬라어 구약)를 인터넷에서 볼 수 있는 사이트가 있어 소개한다. 인터넷이나 한글이나 Word나 PPT 등에서도 전혀 깨지지 않는 장점이 있다.

건 & 퍼웰의 『히브리 성경의 내러티브』

건과 퍼웰이 1993년에 출간한 『히브리 성경의 내러티브』는 성경 내러티브의 문학비평과 역사비평의 상호관계를 가장 잘 보여주고 있는 책 중에 하나이다. 이들은 ‘이야기’(story)와 ‘내러티브’(narrative)를 구분하는데 이야기를 내러티브보다 더 넓은 의미로 사용한다. 성경 내러티브의 특징을 세 가지를 꼽는다. 첫째, 내러티브는 “인물과 인물의 말,

포껄만의 『성경 내러티브 읽기: 서론적 지침서』

포껄만이 1975년에 낸 『창세기 속의 내러티브 예술』이란 책은 역사비평에서 취하는 통시적 분석과는 달리 구조주의 (structuralism) 방법론을 사용하여 공시적 분석을 시도하고 있다. 구조주의 접근은 분문의 역사에 관심을 갖고 있지 않고 사용된 언어의 기능적, 양식적 관계에 관심을 갖는다. 이 책은 시기상 올터의 저술보다 앞서지만 방법론상 공시적 분

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